‘In wonder everything becomes the most unusual. Everything in what is most usual becomes in wonder the most unusual in this one respect; that it is what it is. The extraordinary is right under our noses; what is wondrous is that beings ‘be’.’

If you came across Jon Lockhart's work without any prior knowledge, you might be baffled by the array of media, installation, film, sound, sculpture, collage, and by the use of countless and seemingly heterogeneous objects and materials.

This landscape of things and ideas would appear to you in the manner of a landslide, a vast mountain of stuff, with things half-buried and poking out at all angles. On closer examination, however, this accretion begins to read as an invitation for the viewer to sift and intervene.

As we pick over the wreckage to uncover shreds of popular culture, shards of the everyday, snags of texts, things become tainted with familiar and often wondrous patterns. Participation, as opposed to spectatorship, is, after all, a dirty business, one that is best undertaken with rolled-up sleeves and a good sense of humour.    



The Accidental Artist  Nicolas de Oliveira and Nicola Oxley